Health condition education has come a long way. Everyone is taking charge of their own and their families health. Mobile devices and streaming audio, connected TV, and digital out of home ads are a crucial tool, particularly for less-understood symptoms, conditions and ultimately diseases. And especially for those affecting small patient populations.
The question isn’t whether research and health and wellness groups are using programmatic advertising; it’s whether you are using ONLY programmatic advertising. Moving past social media advertising and it's lack of transparancy and credibility is crucial for via health media vs. misinformation.
CENTRICIA reaches all populations and has access to Health Media Network's (HMN)'s premier in-office communication tools and premium video content to educate, entertain, prepare and inspire people to embrace healthy living every day. HMN has over 6,000 screens at point of care locations, such as medical and lab waiting room screens located nationally, across the top 200 DMAs.
Digital Screens 6,000+
4-week Impressions 30M+
Markets Reached 200
We also added PatientPoint who pioneered the point-of-care marketing industry, revolutionizing patient education, offering innovative, customized and targeted solutions to reach patients and providers. Access digital screens positioned in waiting rooms at doctor’s offices, providing a unique opportunity to connect with patients.PatientPoint pioneered the point-of-care marketing industry, revolutionizing patient education, offering innovative, customized and targeted solutions to reach patients and providers. Access digital screens positioned in waiting rooms at doctor’s offices, providing a unique opportunity to connect with patients.
Digital Screens 16,600
4-week Impressions 140M
Markets Reached 207
And ScreenVerse Health - A leading network of state-of-the-art digital screens in pharmacies and doctors’ offices delivering a customized approach to connecting clients with consumers.
Engaging the consumer along the path to purchase with health-conscious consumers within the high-traffic areas of doctors’ offices and pharmacies.
ScreenVerse Health
Digital Screens 2,235
4-week Impressions 22.3M
Markets Reached 65
Now is the time to reach the healthy population of today that are taking charge of their health.
Contact us today to see if we reach your market's healthy population.